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At the Coffee Shop

    So today, we got some more time off.  This is a good thing, because it is very likely that we may be have our first launch opportunity on December 17.  And once TIGER is up in the air, we will have to begin monitoring the instrument around the clock.  Luckily, we are splitting up this task between the McMurdo-based crew, Washington University and the Goddard Space Flight Center.  But during those first critical days of launch, it will be up to us down here on the Ice.  This will most likely mean spending a couple of nights out here in the Weatherport again.  So getting rest now is important.
    Drew wanted to work with the SIP today and so we powered down the instrument and turned off the flight CPU for the first time in about a week.  After that was done, I decided to spend the day in the coffee shop.  I met two friends, Brien, a journalist for the Antarctic Sun and Marianne, a scientist with the Iceberg Project.  The atmosphere in the coffee shop on a Sunday afternoon offers a great place to relax, work on this webpage and spend time with interesting people.  But it's back to work tomorrow...

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