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TIGER / ANITA  / ARIA hangtest

    The day finally came for the hangtest, the last and most important hoop before flight.  It was scheduled to begin around 9:00 AM but the surface winds were still a bit high and so it was delayed until 10:00.  After getting all the necessary shields put onto the NSBF SIP and charge controller, the entire TIGER / ANITA / ARIA payload was hoisted.  The entire payload weighed in at about 2800 lbs.  The Boss then pulled up to the weatherport and the payload was rolled out onto the deck to be hoisted.  Before long, the payload was dangling from the 105,000-pound Boss's crane like a fancy hood ornament.
    The hangtest is good for a number of reasons.  As the instrument hangs from the truck, we can get an idea of how the cold air and direct sunshine will affect the instrument.  Furthermore, it gives us a chance to test out both our line-of-sight and TDRSS telemetry without possible disruptions caused by being indoors or by people moving around.  The NSBF also attaches the flight solar panels to the instrument to make sure that the instruments onboard can operate using solar power.
    After only a few small problems, the ANITA payload was up and running and working fine with TIGER.  Our second TDRSS test went remarkably well, with very few data dropouts.  After all was said and done, the entire collaboration felt good about how things had gone.

Pictures from the hangtest

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